theAprel OPGirls' monthly cycles aren't the only time their pussies release more than just pee, as demonstrated by this lovely maiden taking a close-up video of her own intimate area like a documentary during one of her trips to the restroom. Observe as she begins to expel her urine from her urethra (near the top of the pussy) that a second stream of fluid starts to leak out from her vagina (bottom of the pussy). This fluid is referred to as "vaginal discharge" and is a completely healthy phenomenon not indicative of any disease. Some women tend to release vaginal discharge more often than others, and variations in frequency during certain times of the month are also common. Some racial differences have been observed as well, with Asian females releasing vaginal discharge more commonly on average than females of other races. The purpose of vaginal discharge is part of the female reproduction system's self-hygiene processes, and helps keep the feminine internal sex organs clean of any impurities so that they can be ready to accept a penis at any time and maximize the probability of a successful impregnation.